Membership Fee is 10,000. Every year Rs. 1000 to be paid for renewal of AOFOG, FIGO & SAFOG fee Non Payment of annual subscription will be dealt with as per rules.
Note: Kindly inform any change in postal address or phone number to office address given below at earliest
Account Title: Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Pakistan (SOGP) Account number: 006500-1103-77-03 Branch Name: JPMC Branch Bank Name: Habib Bank LTD. Karachi Please send your deposit slip on 0333-3356327 , 0333-2218245
SOGP Secretariat: Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Ward - 8 Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre
(JPMC) Rafiquae Shaheed Road Karachi
Phone: 0092-21-99205040